I decided to write this article after watching the video by Deborah Kurata from ng-conf about Data Composition with RxJS. Debora proposed this solution for caching array data. So, what do you think is wrong with current implementation?
It’s high time to answer
this question. First, we do not have any issue here because HttpClient from RxJS
just returns the result only once. But what would happen here if we got the
result more than once?
And here is our output. That is probably not the result which you expected to see :)
As you see, I’ve just replaced HttpClient with interval Observable from RxJS. It can be any observable which we can run multiple times. For example, like the sample below.
By default, shareReplay
is designed for using with "heavy" async calls that you don't want to
redo. Once upon a time, this operator was called cache, but people didn't like
that name. By default, shareReplay will forget reference counting under
the hood, and once initially subscribed to, will maintain that underlying
subscription to the source until the source completes. This is done in order to
optimistically keep fetching something in the assumption that whatever that
thing is, it's resource intensive, slow, or heavy. So, finally this issue was
solved in RxJS 7.0, and for the never-ending interval shareReplay({refCount:
true } is used. The refCount: true part means that it will have the
behavior you expect, where if all subscribers unsubscribe, the source
subscription is also unsubscribed. More information can be found here Reworking Multicasting:
share, connect, and makeConnectable
Let’s try to update this example
in the following way:
As you see. Finally, it
Another workaround for
this solution would be using publishReplay() + refCount(). Whenever multicasting
stream has multiple values, or even doesn’t complete on its own, it might be
better to use the combination publishReplay(1) + refCount().
Let’s imagine the
situation when we try to use the same pattern in code angular application.
Instead of tap(console.log), we just return the result using switchMap and
instead of subscribing and unsubscribing manually in ngOnDestroy, we will use async
pipe (| pipe). Do you think it prevents memory leaks here? The answer is still –
No, it does not.
You probably have read a bunch
of times that using async pipe prevents such memory leaks and angular handles
subscriptions of | async pipes for us automatically, so there is no need to
unsubscribe manually in the component using ngOnDestroy. This leads to less
verbosity and hence less possibilities for making a mistake. However, async
pipe causes the same memory leak if we forget to use additional parameters {refCount:
But what happens here if
we use takeUntil in our application for automatically unsubscribe from
multiple observables? You can read more about this pattern in Ben Lesh’s article
Don’t Unsubscribe. I would suggest considering takeUntil as a generally-accepted
pattern for unsubscribing upon an Angular component’s destruction. For this
purpose, I’ve created a simple angular application with two buttons where the result
is received from backend server at a click of a button.
And here is the result of
running the code
The general rule for takeUntil
is to be placed as the last operator. However, there are some cases in which
you might want to use it as the second-last operator. The problem is related to
the bug that existed in shareReplay() operator feat(shareReplay): add
config parameter. So, there are at least 3 different ways of how to fix
this issue, and we can start from the simplest one. We can swap the position for
takeUnit and shareReplay and make takeUnit the second-last operator.
The second variant has
already been used before, and we just need to pass refCount parameter to
And last but not
least is taken from John Papa ng-conf These ARE the Angular tips you are
looking for where he demonstrated the same issue.
And for working with
subscriptions John Papa proposed to use subsink package. And here will be the
solution using subsink subscription:
Besides the samples
above, I would like to propose the solution which was used in our project, and
it provides much more elegant way of handling memory leaks with subscription
and shareReplay calls. We can use @ngneat/until-destroy
npm package, which provides us with a neat way of how to unsubscribe from
observables when the component is destroyed. Let’s check how our application will change
after introducing this package.
And our ngOnInit:
Due to this package you
just do not need to struggle with the order of takeUntil, which can be put
either as the last or the second-last parameter, because untilDestroyed will always
be number one in the list, and you should not care about other operators and
their priorities.
Defining the problem
Whenever we use the shareReplay operator, we must be very careful. The shareReplay operator does not clean up observables when they have not yet completed. This will introduce a memory leak into our application.
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